My current obsession is YouTube tutorials (literally EVERY night!) as I love to master new hairstyles!
- Foxylocksextensions has beauty tutorials as well as hair tutorials especially for hair extensions.
- Beboxo has hair and beauty tutorials and shows off her cute fashion style
- I really like Bubz Beauty as she tells you about hair, beauty and "Random Shiz" (Only on Youtube people)
- Toni and Guy's Channel is more about fashion, giving you exclusive Fashion Week footage, but you can take ideas from that and create your own hairstyles!
- John Frieda's videos show you new product adverts, as well as taking you step-by-step through some tricky catwalk hairstyles.
- Babyliss show you how to master celebrity hairstyles (like Adele and Lana Del Ray (see video above)) and how to use their products in the best possible way.